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Rebecca Myers-Pollock

Simple Summer Ideas!

1. Spend time outside! Summer is a great opportunity to spend more time outside. Whether it’s playing in the yard, going for a walk, or exploring a local park, time outside is so important for all of us, especially children! Time outside doesn’t need to be structured or have built-in activities either. When left to observe, explore, and create on their own, nature is a great teacher and inspiration for creativity!

2. Start a summer bucket list or scavenger hunt. Create a family bucket list of the top activities your children or family want to do over the summer! Children that are writing can even be in charge of writing the list themselves. Another fun option could be to create a scavenger hunt for items to find outside or during your summer activities/vacation. This can also be a great reading and writing activity for children who are currently reading and writing.

3. Bring your children into the kitchen. With fresh produce available from the yard, farmers market, or grocery store, summer is a great time to get your children involved in the kitchen! Older children could be in charge of dinner one night a week. Younger children can help wash, peel, chop, or bake. Setting up an independent snack station can help allow your child to get their own snack without needing you to prepare it for them.

4. Water! From spending time in the pool to practicing pouring out in the yard, water is such a refreshing and fun part of summer! Young children can benefit from the motor skills developed when watering plants and pouring from pitchers. All children benefit from the gross motor work involved in running through the sprinkler, swimming in a creek, or using the hose to water the plants in the yard.

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